The Open ISES Project

Open Information Systems for Emergency Services

Agency Personnel & Training Database

"We want to take care of our employees,
because they take care of our family."

Harold Taylor

The Agency Personnel & Training Database

Open Source Productivity Software

Welcome to the Agency Personnel and Training Database Project Site. This database project is one of the core programs being developed as part of The Open ISES Project (Open Information Systems for Emergency Services).

The Database Project
The Agency Personnel and Training Database Project is basically a database program designed to track the members of an agency, as well as the training they have received. This need is common among all emergency service agencies, and was the reason that it was selected as a starting point. From here, additional database projects can be developed that are more tailored to individual agencies specific needs. By using this modular approach, agencies will be able to 'pick and choose' the modules that best fit their specific needs.

New Lead Developer
While the Agency and Training Database project has been sitting dormant for a while, we are please to report that we have a new lead developer on the project. Clay Jackson comes to the Open ISES project with a long background in IT, including being a Database Administrator/Manager. He brings to the Open ISES project his experience with MySQL and Oracle, as well as a host of other skills. We can't thank Clay enough for coming in and picking up where Mike Harris left off.

This project (as well as most of the Open ISES software projects) will be a web based program designed to use the *AMP stack. This will allow any computer system that is able to view a web page to use the program. The back-end database is intended to use MySQL, and the main development is being accomplished with PHP.

Updated MySQL Database
Scheme Package

The schema for the Agency database has been modified extensively to establish a baseline for development of an application. The new schema is available now. Take a look at the new scheme and let us know what you think.

We are now working on the first release of a new application 'Agencies'. Like Tickets it is be web based, and will use the workhorse of PHP. Keep in touch with the web site for further information about the release of the first alpha version of Agencies.

| 21 March 2009 | Read more |

Database Prototype in Microsoft Access

Before the MySQL Agency Database schemas were developed, a series of prototype databases were created using Microsoft Access 2000. We are now releasing the first generic versions of these databases

| 01 January 2009 | Read more |